What can one ever say about such an event ?
It's at times like these, words somehow can never fully portray the sense of loss, the tragedy, the rage...
Montreal is a wonderful city, and I have lived here since 1978. There is a certain spirit here that captivates the soul, a sense of many cultures living peacefully together, and this is my home.
Against the madness of this lost soul's actions, there are many other examples of real bravery, and astounding actions that counterbalance this event.
First of all, a heartfelt thank you to those Montreal Urban Community police officers ( especially those first two on the scene) whose remarkable courage and training allowed them to reduce the carnage. They proceeded into a scene that they had only a minimal knowledge of initially, only a few minutes after it started.
They could have been facing multiple shooters, and yet they went forward through those doors, and into the unknown, without a moment's thought. They attracted the attention of the shooter, and distracted him from killing others.
I trust that their efforts will be rewarded with some commendation, because they certainly deserve it for what they did.
Secondly, Urgence Sante (Montreal's ambulance service) for their courage under fire. One ambulance technician, against existing regulations in such cases, ran to the entrance of Dawson and began providing first aid on a badly injured victim - with shots still being fired, not far away from his position.
And last, but not least, to those young students and teachers of Dawson who were there. Among those people, there were several that risked their lives providing aid to the wounded.
One phys-ed teacher, and ex-football player with the Montreal Alouettes, ran out and started to work on another badly injured student. Some other Dawson students did the same.
To all of those mentioned :
Merci beaucoup...
The efforts of all of those people, placed in a position they could never have imagined as being likely or possible, and done without regard for their personal safety, more than make up for the actions of the shooter.
They proved what type of society we have, and how good it really is.
They've shown us, by their actions, why such darkness can never triumph in the end. For every mad lost soul, there are dozens more of shining examples of all that is good with this city.
There is indeed hope for the future, and for our society, with such people a part of it.
I just wanted to extend my prayers to those who were directly touched by this, and to let you know that you are not alone in your grief.
All of us share it with you.

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