Her name is Lucy. We also have her picture :
That's right....
McCain has an ancestor from AFRICA,and this Arizona based anthropologist (and discoverer of Lucy) scientifically proves that, and McCain cannot deny it.
Johanson, the founder and chairman of the Institute of Human Origins in Arizona, told a standing-room-only crowd in the Ballroom of the William Pitt Union Wednesday night that he realizes Lucy is more popular than the man who discovered her 28 years ago.
But he said that stardom is not as important to him as finding more connections between man and ape. The one thing he is confident of is that the connection will be found somewhere in Africa.
Johanson said that while people all have their own beliefs as to how humans came into existence, "one inescapable conclusion is that we can trace all roots back to Africa."
Or "Australopithecus afarensis" , who can directly be connected to McCain, 3.2-million-years ago. She can be traced to all of the rest of us, too.
Even Obama.
So the race now becomes one between two men with black blood in their veins and DNA.
I know, I'm as shocked as the rest of you are.
The only race we have is the human race.
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