I accidently came across a documentary, which was produced and about to be shown on TV on May 3rd, 1994. It was listed in TV Guide, and then it inexplicably vanished...
It was produced by British television, and the Discovery Channel.
It has come to light since then that a rather large sum of money was paid by unknown parties, and that an agreement was made to destroy all copies of it. Strangely, no court challenge was involved to stop it. This was done "off the radar".
It concerns the very troubling story of the Franklin Credit Union scandal in Omaha, Nebraska, and a pedophelia/prostitution ring that existed which extended from Nebraska to Washington. That scandal prompted a state investigation, and that is where this documentary begins.
Not all copies of this documentary were destroyed however.
One remaining copy, a pre-production one (not high quality, nor a finished version) was secretly sent to state officials in Omaha. That copy is now available online at Google video. :
Conspiracy of Silence
This is what someone didn't want you to see, and now you can.
It touches on a child prostitution ring (some children involved were as young as ten , some very high profile people (including a leading Black Republican political supporter, Lawrence King), and some very troubling allegations of serious crimes and abuse of young children by some very high ranking people, both Democrats and Republicans.
John De Camp, an ex-Vietnam vet, former Republican Senator, and now a lawyer in Omaha has been leading the investigation on this for years - and has been blocked at every turn.
Born in Neligh, Nebraska, DeCamp joined the United States Army during the Vietnam War. He was later assigned to serve as an aide to William Colby, the Deputy Ambassador to Vietnam at the time. Beginning his campaign for election while still stationed in Vietnam, DeCamp was elected and served four terms as a Nebraska state senator, from 1971 to 1987. In the May 2006 election, he was rebuffed in his attempt to return to the Legislature. He is currently a practicing attorney in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Laurence King had direct connections with both Boys Town (of Father Flannagen fame) , and with the top levels of the Republican party. He served time in prison on fraud charges, and was sentenced to fifteen years....only on the fraud charges.
One lead investigator of the pedophile ring investigation was killed in a plane crash, which is still remains a mystery. The wreckage of his light plane was scattered over a wide area, and his briefcase was missing when investigators reached the site. His eight year old son was also killed in that crash.
Craig Spence commited suicide four months after the story broke.
When the story broke, it was covered briefly by the mainstream media, like the New York Times - and then it too vanished....
Here's proof :
The two main suspects in the child ring were Craig Spence and Lawrence E. King Jr. Both were involved in the Republican party. King sang the National Anthem at two republican national conventions during the 1980s. He served time in jail for bank fraud and is now living somewhere on the east coast. Spence was an important republican lobbyist, who eventually committed suicide. Several of his partners went to jail for being involved in the adult part of the homosexual sex ring.
When some new revelations came out, Hunter Thompson committed suicide on the same day. Thompson, one of my favorite political journalists, was accused by a witness as being present during the production of a "snuff film". This is a scandal that touches the aristocracy, and it's not (as I said) limited to Republicans in any way.
William Colby, a supporter of John DeCamp (and a friend from his Vietnam days), who is recorded as part of that documentary , suddenly winds up dead while kayaking soon afterwards, under some very strange circumstances.
On April 27, 1996, Colby died in a supposed boating accident near his home in Rock Point, Maryland. He reportedly did not mention any canoeing plans to his wife, nor was it normal for him to go boating at night. Colby had left his home unlocked, his computer on, and a partly eaten dinner on the table.
Colby's body was eventually found, underwater, on May 6, 1996. The life jacket his friends said he usually wore was missing. The body was found 20 yards from the canoe, after the area had been thoroughly searched multiple times. The subsequent inquest found that he died from drowning and hypothermia after collapsing from a heart attack or stroke and falling out of his canoe. There is no evidence that Colby went canoeing.
One girl who was abused and tried to testify about it gets warned not to, then charged and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for perjury - and gets sentenced to twenty five years in jail. Clearly, as you can see from the documentary, a message was sent.
Laurence King got only fifteen years for his financial fraud, and was never prosecuted on any charge related to the pedophelia ring.
Witnesses were intimidated by the FBI, and are on tape in that documentary testifying to that. They were told that they too would be charged with perjury, if they proceeded any further.
Death threats were made against many people involved in the investigation, including state officials. They testify to that fact on video in that documentary. The state case was presented to federal prosecutors - and it was never followed up on.
In short, this entire story has some very strong and rather strange elements of truth to it. There is a rather unlikely convergence of things that seek to silence it, and that provoke many questions, and very few answers.
Three people involved in that pedophile ring were charged and convicted - but no clients ever were. Financial records that tied clients into the ring were immediately taken as evidence by the FBI, withdrawn from the public record, and never acted upon afterwards.
This was a major child prostitution ring, running in Nebraska and Washington, and it's existence is almost unknown, and none of it's clients were ever prosecuted for any cases of pedophelia.
In watching that documentary, the one you never got a chance to see ( because someone paid somebody off) , you'll find yourself asking some questions about how this could ever happen in America.
It's not high quality, it's not a finished product, and parts of it involve some rather strong language - and some very stunning allegations.
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