Well, here is another true story, it happened to me the a few weeks ago this as I was getting ready to go off to work. I decided to go get some food, and had to go to my bank machine and have some extra cash on me.It was around 9 PM , and I had a couple of hours before starting. I got to my machine, walked in and....
It was out of service.
I had a few dollars on me, so I decided to go get a coffee. I came back after, and saw two technicians at the machine trying to fix it. I figured I would go get some Lebanese food, a small snack, and come back in a few minutes.
As I walked back, I see that the technicians have left...and the van is there to refill the machine.
Well, nothing to do but wait..... So I took a seat on a low concrete wall nearby. In the back of my mind, I was thinking " You know God, I know you are probably really busy with Katrina, Iraq and all that - but it would be nice to have a few extra dollars right about now...." After another ten minutes the guards leave, and I walk in to the automatic teller and withdraw my money. And on the way out, I notice something.
A set of keys in a lock. The door is unlocked and partially open, and I swing the door open an see the alarm panel inside.
( I work in the alarm business btw )
Oh yeah, the keys are for the machine - and the code to disarm the system is written on the tag. And I have something on me ( I can't tell you what) that can disable the security camera.
( It gets better, btw....)
There are some lab workers from a medical lab there, and I get them involved as witnesses. Remember , there are two armed guards who may suddenly show up - and holding the keys and codes for the teller isn't really a good idea - imho.
I know the company that delivers the cash - and decide to call my office and get patched into them through our phone system (which is taped , and I want this all on tape). I talk to this company about ten times a night, and know the dispatcher.
I get patched in, and say " Hey, I have the keys and codes for your bank machine right here." He says " That's another division" - and patches me through to the proper one. Well...actually to the voicemail, which says " Call this local in case of emergency. "
I try calling....Invalid selection, and I get disconnected. I call back, and get EXACTLY THE SAME THING from the dispatcher.
" NO ...WAIT !!! ...." (click)
After this , I hang up - and dial 911 and explain everything. I tell them the keys will be at the lab, and that they can call this number and talk to this man and get them. I then leave, figuring I have done my civic duty.
About five minutes later, the money van comes SCREECHING back to the teller, and the guard RUNS out and into the machine area. She runs back to the truck, and starts looking inside the truck frantically. I figure, I will go say a word to them.
I walk behind her about ten feet away ( remember they ARE armed , and that they are a tad nervous right about now.) I gently go " Excuse me......" and suddenly this rather beautiful young ( armed ) woman spins around.
" Are you looking for the keys ? "
" YES !!! "
I explained everything, and asked them to call 911 to make sure they didn't send a patrol car for nothing.I then walked away, for the second time that night.
The best part, I learned afterwards that the drawer probably contained half a million dollars ( a friend who knows the business told me.) The " cherry on the sundae" , as we say in Quebec in french, not ONE person involved in the entire affair had even said a simple thank you.
I did look back up at the sky, and said " OK , nice job. I got the point...."
It could only happen to me.....
Very honorable. I give you kudos for doing the right thing, because really, it would have bitten you in the butt if you hadn't.
You should have at least tried to get the guard phone number. :)
That actually was my only regret about the entire incident. On the other hand, seeing as how my actions probably saved her from a really interesting conversation with HER boss - I wonder why she didn't ask for MINE.
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