I was introduced to this documentary through the efforts of an online friend, and an online moderator (who was the one who initially posted it).
(Thanks again Late....that makes two I owe you, Santa Clara Blues, and this one.)
It's a look at the media PR war that Israel has waged in the USA, and how the various aspects of that have taken away the moral legitimacy of the Palestinian cause.
It features Israeli Jews,rabbis, and IDF soldiers, who have taken the rather difficult and unpopular stance of being against the illegal Palestinian Occupation.
I highly suggest anyone interested in looking beyond the barriers that are imposed on us (especially here in North America) take the time to click on that link above to watch it in it's entirety.
I do not condone the death of innocent civilians in any way, be they Israeli or Arabs...or anyone else.
I do hope and pray that the legitimate Palestinian cause, and the injustices they face every day, can be addressed without the use of violence.
That violence invalidates the moral validity of their cause, which is a just one.
Killing innocent men, women, and children will never bring me onboard your cause - and I don't care how valid it is at it's base.
Tzeth'a Leshalom VeShuvh'a Leshalom
Assalamu alaikum